Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,

hey there!
(oh ps. that line is from a poem by allen ginsberg titled "howl". it''s pretty legit, you should check it out. i just did a visual response to it .. i may post that later..)
SO I got home from school about 40 minutes ago.
got TWO MORE projects out of the way! (feels sooo good!!) now all i have is my final in art history, and a sound/performance piece in media. 

(other than foundation show stuff.. but i'm good to go with that.)

i'm going to hit the hay right after i post this, and get up early to study. i'm more of a morning gal, especially after a day like today.. i'm beat. 

what i usually do to pass time (it's pretty therapeutic) is edit photos. i just found a bunch today that i had completely forgotten about, so i decided to edit them. there's this one that i really like (but it was a complete mistake). i actually remember being pisssedd after i took it, cause i realized my camera was on the wrong setting. anyways it turned out pretty cool (seeing it on a large screen as opposed to a 1'' by 1'' little box). 

so.. here it is...


1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I can't wait to finish this semester.

    Love the pic, and you're absolutely right, editing and playing around with photos is so therapeutic.
