i don't really know what made me think of this.
and it may seem like a weird question, but..
what's your favourite smell?
.. do you have a favourite smell?
i want everyone who reads this to respond. lol .. i know its kinda silly, but im really curious to know.
ALSO. question: is your favourite smell your favourite smell because it reminds you of something/someone/sometime..
natural body smell (the normal kind, not the kind that smells bad)
ReplyDeleteand the outdoors, in the country.
cold air
cookies/brownies cooking
fresh clean laundry
freshly sharpened pencils
cooking marshmallows
... there are definitely more I cant remember
I have anosmia. Can't smell a thing. It also means I can't pick up on flavours in food.
ReplyDeleteI hate you non-smell-inhibited people *runs away*
I love the smell of my house- it's a mixture of the freshener we place in our vacuum and the Ambi Pur plug-ins mum uses.
ReplyDeleteI think the smell of Noa perfume reminds me a lot of my college days, all the girls in my clique used to use that specific perfume.Good memories come flooding in whenever I smell that on someone else.
your bum
ReplyDeleteand freshly baked bread, gasoline, permanent marker, cinnamon buns, lavender vanilla, red wine, coconut, the beach, clove cigarettes, herbal essences, peach, pear, olives, violets, babies, boys (sometimes), books (especially brand new ones), the body shop, kensington market, and your bum.
ReplyDeletek so that was wayy more than one,i got a bit carried away due to sleep deprived delirium...
petrol, paint, freshly mown grass. mouthwash and cups of tea, the smell after it rains. gucci rush. frosty air.
ReplyDeletebarbasol shaving cream, petrol, brownies, pencils, rainstorms, earl grey tea, red wine, the beach, musty carpets, laundry, fresh bread, old books, tanning lotion, sunscreen, cologne on cute boys...
ReplyDeleteMY NOSE!!!! I saw it and got excited!!! :P Erm taco beef, fresh bread, boys in the kitchen, chlorine, peaches, cinnamon, you!!!!!!
The smell of a new book!
ReplyDeleteI freaking love that smell.
the smell of baby shampoo... anything baby